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Happy New Year!   I've been practicing the "One Word" approach to intentional living (not NY resolutions) for quite a few years. I appreciate its simplicity and the fact that, for me, it encompasses a more comprehensive and visual way for me to reimagine my life.   I've long...

I often wonder when the concept of "self-care" began. It's only been the past several years that everyone (ok, mostly women!) made it such a big deal. I don't remember hearing my Grandmother Kuhn talk about self-care. And if anyone needed some serious self care intervention,...

It's no secret that I have historically suffered from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder.) This garden girl experiences a total attitudinal avalanche once the holiday glow has faded and Winter announces its dreaded arrival. Every year the frigid temps, combined with too many overcast, dreary days,...

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week! According to my local Chamber of Commerce where I first saw the announcement, this proclamation is a worldwide movement serving as a reminder to simply be kind. It's kind of sad that we need a movement to...

Jennifer Gerlock crushes on Julie Gaver in this 2016 interview at Pursuit Of It All. For the past few years, there’s been a name floating around my social and professional circles. People talk about this person often, and yet, we’d never met.When I’d mention that we had never been introduced,...

Meet Feisty. My “boyfriend” gave him to me for our first Valentines Day together in 1975. Feisty went with me to college. After college, I married that boyfriend. So Feisty moved in with us at our new home. When our first son was born, he loved Feisty. When our second...