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I was working in my front gardens just now when something beautiful happened.  A neighbor, walking her dog, stopped along the sidewalk to say hello. As we chatted, she commented on how much she has enjoyed my flowers and porch decorations during the years she has lived on...

I saw Bonnie Raitt at Wolf Trap last night. In November, she’ll be 67 years young!  Still going strong. Still writing new songs. Still pursuing her passion. Still owning that stage! Kickin’ Ass! Bad. Ass. Unlike so many women her age (and younger), she’s not spending her years obsessing about the latest cosmetic procedure or fountain...

This morning, as I walked through my gardens, I noticed something I hadn’t seen in my previous walks….. A single sunflower had shot up right in the middle of my hydrangea garden. What?????  I didn’t plant that!!!!! How did it get there? It doesn’t belong!!!! But like a proud, brazen, audacious woman...