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My Word for 2022

Happy New Year!
I’ve been practicing the “One Word” approach to intentional living (not NY resolutions) for quite a few years. I appreciate its simplicity and the fact that, for me, it encompasses a more comprehensive and visual way for me to reimagine my life.
I’ve long said that I don’t choose my word. It chooses me! Rather than pull out a sheet of paper and make a long laundry list of what’s “wrong” with me and how I can “fix” it, I allow myself WEEKS of contemplative time where I put my brain on mute and give my heart a chance to speak. Our hearts know us best but she is too often silenced…. the brain and the mouth demand so much attention. For me, this process requires periods of solitude, prayer, doodling, and having NO expectations regarding the outcome.
My 2021 word CREATE was impactful, exhilarating, and produced a vibration in me I haven’t felt for many years. So I know it works. The year was filled with unique and creative pursuits that made me happier during a pandemic than one could ever hope for. 
This year, my word WELLNESS does not fit my requirements for words I typically select. (I always choose a VERB because it implies action). But it was a word I kept hearing whenever my mind wandered, during times when I worked quietly in my office, and it came to me often during the MANY times I awoke at night.
The heart wants what the heart wants.
I’ve been imagining what 2022 will look like when I focus more on ME and less on “producing” for others (physically, mentally, emotionally, professionally, and spiritually) and I like what I see.
Timing is everything. I realize that as I turn 65  in the coming year, I will need to breathe into it and fully embrace caring for myself in a way I’ve never really done before. But I’m finally ready! Here is what I know…..
My time is limited. Just like yours.
I have nothing to prove to anyone. (One of the many benefits of aging!)
My WORD will require holding on tightly to some things….
And letting go of others.
Some will not understand these decisions. And that’s ok. Because [see point number 2!]
I will not be constantly posting about my “ongoing progress” because [see point number 2 again!]
My word WELLNESS will also invoke a continuation of my 2021 word CREATE.
And THAT makes me very happy!
It’s 2022! May you find the strength to face life’s challenges. The humility to accept them. And the love to know you’re never alone.